Important ideas that we need to remember in the age of Trump

A collection of some of my favorite quotes and ideas that apply to the current situation we find ourselves in and offer hope to me.

Since people are tired of reading about Politics- I figured I would show my displeasure with the current adminstration in Meme Form

On Trump and his fear of Muslims (well poor ones) and his attempts to ban them

On Trump and his ties to Fascism and the Alt- Right Movement

On Trump’s budget and all the people it hurts in order to make the rich richer

On Climate science and leaving the Paris Accord

On Congress’ conflicts of interest

On the Economy

On all the lies (alternative facts)

On Russia

On Faux (FOX ) news

On Health Care

On Women’s Rights

On Trump himself (his character or lack there of)

On the GOP

On Christian GOP Hypocrisy

How the world sees us with Trump in charge

Things I wish Democrats would point out.