Day 18- The GOP’s White Nationalist Problem

This is the tweet from Iowa Congressman Steve King

Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies. 11:40 AM – 12 Mar 2017

He followed this up by doubling down on this tweet

King has said similar things many times. Last year he said that no “subgroup” other than “white people” has contributed “more to civilization.” He has opposed putting the noted African-American abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill in place of Andrew Jackson because he thinks it’s “pure political correctness,” as if Tubman is not a personage worth honoring. He has said that “radical Islamists” would be “dancing in the streets” following the election of Barack Hussein Obama, because “his middle name does matter.” He proudly displays a Confederate flag on his desk even though Iowans shed their blood for the Union.

So here we have an elected official on the record more than once talking about the idea that we can’t build this country with minorities or immigrants. Like he forgot that at one point in time this country was actually owned by the Native Americans and a group of white immigrants came in a made it their own country. Now somehow, because the white leaders have stacked the deck against minorities, they no longer belong here.

Pure BS- this old racist ideology is what doesn’t belong in America

“I don’t think that statement reflects what is special about this country. I’d like to think that he misspoke,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said.”Hate to dash your hopes, Oh Captain, my captain,” Bee said. It’s hard to make excuses for Steve King when “even the Breitbart White House was like, no man, too racist.”- Samantha Bee

GOP’s new White Nationalist problem

Not long ago the GOP was a party of immigration, promoting peace throughout the world, and valuing our fellow man.

Reagan said is his Brotherhood of Man speech after the Berlin Wall came down

“If we take this crowd and if we could go through and ask the heritage, the background of every family represented here, we would probably come up with the names of every country on Earth, every corner of the world, and every race. Here is the one spot on Earth where we have the brotherhood of man. And maybe as we continue with this proudly, this brotherhood of man made up from people representative of every corner of the Earth, maybe one-day boundaries all over the Earth will disappear as people cross boundaries and find out that, yes, there is a brotherhood of man in every corner.”

Unfortunately, that is no longer the case. Mr. King’s words and ideas have been mirrored by Trump and his administration. One could argue that Trumps win itself was a white backlash to a black president, growing international influence, and fear of outsiders.

As Amber Phillips of the Washington Post pointed out last year:

The ideological links between King and Stephen Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, are even closer. In a 2015 Breitbart radio interview, Bannon lauded King as “a great mentor to all of us and a great friend of the site, and a true warrior.”

“This is how the Bannons and Kings view the modern world: The West is threatened by hordes of swarthy outsiders, especially Mexicans and Muslims, and they are lonely defenders of the white Christian race against this insidious threat. There is no evidence that Trump has given this matter as much thought as they have, but, based on his public pronouncements, he has reached similar conclusions. That helps to explain why the administration is building a border wall, expanding deportations, and trying to keep out citizens of as many Muslim countries as possible. This isn’t about fighting terrorism or crime; it’s about fighting changing demographics. And it’s premised on an unspoken assumption that only white Christians are true Americans; all others are “somebody else.”

Sadly, their worldview has become so mainstream that, while a few Republicans are willing to decorously disagree with King (“I’d like to think he misspoke and it wasn’t really meant the way it sounds,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said), none is willing to champion a motion to censure him or even expel him from the House Republican caucus. As the Des Moines Register notes, the Republican establishment in Iowa has supported King for re-election in the past and will likely do so again in 2018. The de facto acceptance of King as a mainstream Republican speaks volumes about what the Republican Party is becoming — and how far removed it is from Reagan’s vision of a borderless world and the “brotherhood of man.” (Article)